Friday 17 May 2013


Hi peeps!

Feel like forever since i updated this blog. Have been busy lately. With work, with the preparation. Preparation for what?? hehehe.. I am getting engaged for like another 15 days..arghh!So much to do.. But i can't wait to show my diy dais to you all. but i have to keep it till the actual day. barulah suprise orang kate. The best part is the outfit x jahit lagi.. tu la padahnya hantar kat jiran.nak push die suruh cepat pon jadi serba salah. Eh da cakap melayu pulak ko. So most of my preparation are done by myself and my SUPERMOMMM.... Both hantaran from my side and binbin's side are made exclusively by my mom, CIK JU!!!.. I LOVE YOU MOM. eh nak tepon mak la kejap lagi. arini x call lagi.

Pagi ni, sekejap je rase duduk dalam cabin. Most of my time spent at site. I will tell you about my work life in other entry. Banyak lagi bende nak cerita. Nak cerita pasal mother's day, binbin's surprise party, on my preparation.. tapi mood untuk menulis x sampai lagi.huhu. 
okay nak pergi sembahyang asar. Kejap lagi nak balik. DAAAAAA.....

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