Akhirnya dapat jugak buka laptop hari ni. Dari pagi tadi sangat busy dengan kerja. Oh nak cerita pasal perihal birthday aku. Kan da janji nak cover pasal ni on my previous post. As i mentioned earlier, my birthday was on the same day with our general election. So, everybody was busy with the PRU. Too bad BINBIN pon x dapat nak celebrate my birthday sebab hari jumaat lagi die da balik Kelantan. HUH! You still owe me, Binbin!!.
Nak dipendekkan cerita, after mengundi pagi tu, abah told us x perlu nak masak. We will have our lunch outside. YEAY!! Even sebenarnye baru je balik dari kedai beli perut tauhu nak masak sup. huhu. So siap2 then kitaorang pon bergerak pergi ke Jaya Jusco Bandar Melaka. As always sangatlah crowded. Abah dah decide to eat at Kenny Rogers. X leh nak bantah orang nak belanje kan ikutkan je la. Oh sebelum tu pagi2 lagi after sampai dari Bangi, I received my first birthday gift from Angah. Thank you sister.love.love.love. Its very thoughtful of you. (psst..your birthday gift yang still pending tu nanti i bagi eh.huhu)
Here are some pictures taken while waiting for makanan sampai.
me with abah n mak.
This is my sister Angah. My colleague said die nampak lagi muda dari aku.HUHUHU.
My birthday gift from Angah.
After makan, kitorang jalan2 sekejap.Beli barang for me and my mom punye DIY stuff jap.Then balik. sebab mak da bising die jadi runner untuk PRU ni kena survey berapa orang dah mengundi bagai. Very the busy you. Sampai umah semua orang flat and tertido. Turn out mak aku x buat pon survey die. Hampeh je. Kalo x boleh jalan-jalan lagi. Later at night, barulah my dad suprise kan (or x berape suprise sangat) dengan kek. So, adelah cake cutting session. Tapi my nephew, Hayyan and niece,Husna yang sememangnya excited mengalahkan tuan punye birthday berebut nak potong kek. Siap x nak bagi pisau kek sebab si Hayyan ni dah conquer sorang. Terpaksalah makcik beralah. Dah la time tiup lilin die pegi tiup cepat2 sampai x sempat nak ambil gambar. Siap dengan air liur pulak tu tersembur2. Makcik Pasrah. T..T
My birthday cake from my family. Tapi macam salah eja name je. Abah tu cover die kate orang bakery yang salah eja. I doubt that.Hmmmm.
Tengok telatah budak due orang yang super excited tu. Adik dengan mantel superman kat belakng badan die pon sibuk jugak. Of course, every birthday is their birthday. :P
Finally,dapat amik gambar kek. Terpakse diangkat.
Then, my second birthday suprise was from housemates. Zidah,Su and Diba. Zidah is the mastermind. Patut la before balik die dah message2.nak ushah la tu..hehehe. but its a very thoughtful of you. Thank you guys! Tapi yang lawaknye was dorang bawak kek tu masuk dalam bilik aku siap record video lagi. Tapi under certain circumstances video tak dapat dihabiskan rakaman.hahaha. Actually,aku mase tu tengah berehat atas katil after baru balik dari kerja. Biasalah da masuk bilik bukak baju dulu sejuk2 kan badan.hahaha. so bile dorang masuk mule2 aku blur then bile nampak kek terus malu dengan keadaan diri mase tu. Su yang tengah rekod pon terus stop. Diba yang tengah menyanyi lagu birthday pon sampai x abes nyanyi.hahaha. But i really appreciate what you guys did. Da lame x dapat suprise birthday yang macam ni. Honestly, I was clueless. Ingat xde orang nak sambut birthday kite. Nasib x nanges tau.huhu. Control macho beb. Seperti biase mestilah ade sesi bergambar.

Birthday cake lagi. Cheese cake with red velvet on the bottom.
With zidah the mastermind.
Together with Su,Diba and Zida. Mase ni dah berpakaian lengkap.hewhewhew.
So far that was how my birthday being celebrated.
To my family, BINBIN(but u still owe me a nice celebration), my khembhuje berantai,housemates, and those yang post the warm wishes on the facebook,
Milliooooooooooons of thank you to youuuuuu!!
But hey Im 26 already!! i need a new mantra!
Age is just a number..age is just a number..
So much yet to achieve!
Work harder Cici!!